Jumat, 7 Februari 2020 | 00:12 WIB

International Conference of Science Management Art Research Technology (IC-SMART)

Dilihat: 4006 kali

International Conference of Science Management Art Research Technology (IC-SMART)


Ikatan Dosen Republik Indonesia (IDRI) Pusat and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) proudly announce and invite all scholars to participate in: International Conference of Science Management Art Research Technology (IC-SMART). 

Conference Theme: "Trends and Emergence of Research in Shaping the Global Context" Please mark your agenda on October 14, 2020 in Ambon, Indonesia.

*Selected papers will be published in international journal indexed by SCOPUS, WOS.
All papers also has opportunity for publication in reputable international journal indexed by DOAJ, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Copernicus, etc.

*Terms and Conditions applied (selected by scientific editorial and reviewer committee)

Affiliated SCOPUS journals of the conference:
1. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology (IJAEP) – WOS/ESCI
2. Journal of International Student (Scopus Q2)
3. IJICC-International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change – Scopus Q3
4. International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications – Scopus Q3
5. International Journal of Business and Society – Scopus Q3
6. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise – Scopus Q3
7. International Journal of Cloud Computing – Scopus Q3
8. Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews – Scopus Q4
9. International Journal of Enterprise Network Management – Scopus Q4
10. International journal of emerging trends in Engineering Research (IJETER) – Scopus Q4
11. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities-Languages – Scopus Q4
12. International Journal of Critical Review – Scopus Q4
13. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology – Scopus Q4
AND more reputable indexed international journals on http://www.researchsynergy.org/list-of-rsf-affiliated-journal/

Important Dates:
Early Bird Registration Deadline: August 14, 2020
Abstract Submission Deadline: September 14, 2020
Registration Payment Deadline: September 21, 2020
Full Paper Collection Deadline: October 2, 2020
Conference Date: October 14, 2020

Further information, please click http://icsmartconference.com  
Don’t forget to register an account then submit your abstract/full paper through http://www.scholarvein.com/process/index.php/Main/Register,and all the registration status can be tracked in your Scholarvein account.

This conference also inviting five reputable Keynote Speakers:
1. Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A.*Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia
2. Dr. Hendrati Dwi MulyaningsihFounder & Chairman at Research Synergy FoundationLecturer at Postgraduate MM UnisbaInternational Relation Coordinator of Central IDRI
3. Irjen. Pol. (Purn.) Drs. Murad Ismail, S.H.*Governor of Maluku
4. Richard Louhenapessy, S.H.*Mayor of Ambon
5. Evan Lau, Ph.DAssociate ProfessorManaging Editor of IJBSUniversiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
-Note for * still under confirmation-

This conference not only give you global forum to share and exchange idea, research, and work. But also, provide wider network and research ecosystem for further collaboration and projects.

We are glad to share this good opportunities in the scientific community, that will be offered ONLY for all participants who participate/ attend the conference.
FAQs:How can I contact the organizer with any questions?Your answer goes here:
Please contact WhatsApp No +62811227479
or email info@icsmartconference.com

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