Teaching English Strategy To Stimulate The New Students of Computer EngineeringKurnia Ulfa Kategori: strategi pembelajaran Dilihat: 2060 kali AbstractThe goals of this study are to find out what is the good strategy to stimulate the students’ of computer engineering to study English easily and more active in practicing, besides that the lecturer can more creative to stimulate and motivate the students’ especially the new students’ to have good impression of study and learning English in the class. This research was taken from the new students of 2017 in the first semester of STMIK Budi Darma by “Introducing their self from class to class for senior class in English” for English class speaking practice. By this research the writer got 10 (ten) students which have the higher scores from the classroom lecturers they attended. The positive effects from this stimulate are the students can improve their ability to speak English in front of senior classes and lecturers, they can increase their confident to speak English in front of class, they can be brave to face to another people in English and no more nervous as long as they want to talk to another. The negative they need to increase the grammar of English, and they need to practice their conversation in English more and more. To solve these problems the lecturer has the strategy by creating the book to study in the class for the computer student of STMIK Budi Darma.Keyword:teaching method, teaching strategies, student interactive and performance References
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